Did you say Under-represented Kitchen???

I did indeed!

And I am not kidding!  In earlier posts, I have talked about my ‘kitchen’ in the bachelor/studio that I rent here in VanGroovy (Vancouver) and basically the only thing missing is an stove and oven and a sink in which to wash my dishes. I have to wash them in the bathroom sink which is kinda gross but it is what it is, right?  At least I have one or two things with which to rustle up some tidbits to eat!! And it isn’t really that gross to share the shower with a rogue lettuce leaf!!!

Lately I have been thinking alot about our various eating choices such as paleo, raw, no carb, low carb, low protei, all protein etc, etc. Since being in Vancouver and in my under-represented kitchen I have considered whether I should give some of them a go. Particularly paleo. I think that the paleo way of eating has heaps going for it and people I know who have taken it on board are changed quite drastically. Better moods, weight loss, just general increased sense of well-being!  Fabulous!  I guess what holds me back is the cutting out of all dairy and of course, sugary stuff!  I love cheese, sour cream, milk and Cheerios (although Cheerios are pretty good right out of the box) and of course, ICE CREAM!!!  Can I do it!!!??? Should I give it 30 days?  I think I might!  I think that this way of eating would suit the fact that while I have a fridge, it is a bar fridge with an eensy, weensy freezer that doesn’t really work and is therefore incapable of holding more than a package of frozen dumplings!  When you live on veg and fruit and meat, you can buy all that daily. 

Quitting sugar! Hmmmm, this is a tricky one, right?  I love sweet things but have certainly cut down alot since living here. I don’t eat anywhere near the amount that I used to and I am pretty sure it is making a difference. But it is scary to give it up altogether and I am a wee but hesitant to take that leap!  Have any of you done it?  I would love to hear all about it.

I would also love to hear from people who have gone paleo. Tell me how you feel, what you eat and maybe you can pass on some recipes to me. I would love that.

Watch this space. Give me a week or so and I will let you know whether I took the leap and how it is going.

Lots of Love

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